Cir(154)/2021                                                                          December 15, 2022




Dear Sirs/Madam,


Sub: Minutes of Second Meeting of Working Group on Development of Technical Regulation for Man Made Fibre Textiles- reg.

This is to inform you that the 2nd meeting of the Working Group on Development of Technical Regulation for MMF Textiles was held on 5th July 2022 through virtual mode under the Chairmanship of Shri Ajit B. Chavan, Secretary, Textile Committee and Chairman of Working Group.

On behalf of CITI, the meeting was attended by Ms. Chandrima Chatterjee, SG-CITI.

A copy of the minutes of the meeting is attached herewith for your kind information.

In case you have any feedback/comment on the same, you are requested to share the same positively by 17-12-22 before 4 PM, so that the same can be compiled and shared with the Ministry.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Chandrima Chatterjee

Secretary General
