Cir(052)/2023                                                                          26th April 2023



Sub.: Integrity Journey for Textile Sector beginning from May 02, 2023 – reg.

Dear Ma’am/Sir,

Alliance for Integrity, in partnership with AMFORI and United Nations Development Programme India, is organising a six-month interactive training programme titled “Integrity Journey”. The programme is tailored for the textile sector SMEs, aiming to enhance their human rights due diligence and business integrity. The sessions begin on the 2nd of May 2023 and will be conducted in hybrid mode.

Given the relevance of the training programme, CITI, as the Trade Association partner for promotion of the training on Due Diligence, invites its members to join this training programme.

What to expect?

This training will enable participating companies to:

  1. understand and recognize corruption risks,
  2. implement high-functioning compliance management systems tailored to their needs and profile, and
  3. conduct human rights due diligence and related assessments increasingly required for sustainable relationships with international buyers.

The participating companies will have to decide on goals that they want to achieve, based on the sessions of the course, and will be mentored all through the course to achieve these objectives by the end.

Why should you join?

  1. To be prepared to be part of the global supply chain
  2. Understand the changes in legal regime and how to prepare yourself
  3. Access to the best experts on the topic beyond the sessions for one-to-one mentorship


To know more about this and to apply to register –


For queries, please contact –

SMEs engaged in the textile sector and located in Tamil Nadu are specially encouraged to partake this journey to better their business environment.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(Chandrima Chatterjee)

Secretary General
