Cir(092)/2023                                                                 18th July 2023



Sub.: Minutes of Meeting of the 35th TAMC under ATUFS held on 10th July 2023 – reg.


Dear Sirs/Madam,

Office of Textile Commissioner conducted the 35th meeting of the Technical Advisory Monitoring Committee (TAMC) on 10th July 2023. The meeting was aimed at discussing the issues on ATUFS and also related to the previous version of TUFS. The meeting was chaired by Textile Commissioner Ms. Roop Rashi and was attended by various industry associations and representatives from TUFS cells of various banks.

During the meeting, it has been reported that for the year 2022-23 more than 400 cases have already been settled and a subsidy amount of Rs. 76.12 crores has been issued. It was also told that up to 30th June 2023, a total of 14389 UIDs have been issued and about Rs 1733.54 crores rupees have been released towards subsidy against the project cost of Rs. 69161.87 crores.

During the meeting, various issues related to TUFS were discussed such as:

  • Non-uploading of documents by banks
  • Industry and banks not cooperating with JIT and for providing other related documents.
  • Deficiency in documents with respect to protocol approved by IMSC for conducting physical verification
  • Issues of segment change – UID taken in one segment and installed in another segment
  • Technical Textile units registered under RTUFS and applied for 10% capital subsidy under RRTUFS
  • Issue of self-certified country of origin certificate issued by the exporter/manufacturer/supplier of Singapore Country

Details of various cases and the decision taken against them during the meeting are given in the attached minutes of the 35th TAMC. Members are requested to kindly go through the minutes of TAMC once to check whether they have any pending TUFS case of similar nature and in case any of their cases is pending they can take it up through the daily Video Conferencing (10:30 AM to 11:30 AM) which office of Textile Commissioner is now conducting to expedite the resolution of cases. (Details already shared vide circular dated 17th July 2023).

In case, any assistance is required for the same, members are requested to kindly revert about the same.

Download Draft Minutesof-35th-TAMC.pdf

Placed for your kind information and necessary action.


Thanking you,


Yours faithfully,



(Chandrima Chatterjee)

Secretary General
