Cir(018)/2023                                                                              February 16, 2023



Sub.: Tanzania TBT Notifications | Reusable fabric face masks – reg.

Dear Sirs/Madam,

This is to inform you all that recently Tanzania has notified a Technical Barrier to Trade (TBT) in the form of Tanzania Standard – TZS 2870:2021 Textiles – Reusable fabric face masks (copy attached).

Preliminary data indicates that there is a limited export of the above product to Tanzania from India and will thus have a limited impact for Indian exporters.

However, we request you to kindly review the above standard notified by Tanzania and share your concern (if any) to us latest by 20th February 2023 so that the same can be complied and forwarded to Ministry of Textiles.

This is placed for your necessary action.

Thanking you,


Yours faithfully,



(Chandrima Chatterjee)

Secretary General
