Sub.: Request for data related to the polyester fibres covered under the scope of QCOs’ – reg.

Dear Sirs/Madam,

Greetings from CITI!

As the industry is aware that to provide relief to the exporters under Advance Authorization (AA), EOU, and SEZ, the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) vide notification no. 71/2023 dated 11th March 2024, has enabled provisions for exempting inputs from the mandatory Quality Control Orders (QCOs) issued by the Ministry of Steel, DPIIT, and Ministry of Textiles.

Since this exemption does not cover different varieties of Polyester Fibre and Yarn, QCOs of which have been announced by the Department of Chemical and Petrochemicals (DoCPC), CITI has been receiving various requests from the member associations to request DoCPC and DGFT to enable similar provisions for polyester fibre and yarn QCOs issued by the DoCPC.

Recently CITI held a meeting with the Secretary (DoCPC) to discuss the various issues of the Indian Textile Industry related to Polyester QCOs as also request for the inclusion of DoCPC in appendix 2Y of FTP – 2023 to enable the above-mentioned provisions. In this regard, DoCPC has requested CITI to furnish the below data to enable DoCPC to explore the possibility of the requested exemption:

  1. Details of Chemicals (Polyester Fibers) imported under Advance authorization vis.-a -vis. total Import of India (in Quality and value terms)
  2. Domestic demand for the chemicals (in Quantity terms)
  3. Share of the imported chemicals in the finished products to be exported (in quantity and value terms)
  4. Domestic market of chemicals (in quantity and value terms)

It is therefore requested to furnish the above data by 29th April 2024 so that the same can be compiled and shared with the DoCPC for further action.

Placed for your information and necessary action.

Thanking you,

With Best regards,


Chandrima Chatterjee

Secretary General
