
 Sub: Minutes of the 40th meeting of Technical Advisory Monitoring Committee (TAMC) under ATUFS held on 23.12.2024 – reg.

 Dear Sirs/Madam,

 This is to inform you all that the 40th Meeting of the Technical Advisory-cum-Monitoring Committee (TAMC) for discussing the issues on Amended Technology Upgradation Funds Scheme (ATUFS) and Previous Versions of TUFS was held on 23.12.2024 through hybrid mode under the Chairpersonship of Ms. Roop Rashi, Textile Commissioner.

During the meeting TXC outlined the the progress under TUFS for FY 2024-25 as also key issues related to eligibility of claoms, including delisting matters, which were deferred for further data review, and post-facto condonation for delays in JIT inspections, were also discussed.

Decisions from the 77th Internal Technical Committee (ITC) meeting were ratified, including the enlistment of three foreign machinery manufacturers and one authorized agent, and resolutions for discrepancies in machine model and manufacturer branding. New issues such as clarifications on manufacturer name mismatches and machine name plate discrepancies were examined, with cases referred back to ATUFS for decisions consistent with earlier TAMC/ITC precedents. Additionally, requests for enlistment by new machinery manufacturers and agents were deliberated, though some were not recommended due to insufficient documentation or inconsistencies.

Recommendations for resolving long-pending cases from previous TUFS versions due to non-availability of prescribed documents were accepted based on the report of the internal committee and will be placed in the upcoming IMSC. These recommendations include issuing alternative certificates by banks in cases where original documents are unavailable. The meeting concluded with a reaffirmation of alignment with prior TAMC/ITC precedents to ensure consistency and compliance.

The detailed MoM of the meeting containing these agenda items is attached for the kind perusal of the members.

Members are kindly requested to take note of the above.

Thanking you,

 Yours faithfully,

Chandrima Chatterjee 

(Secretary General)
