Cir(134)/2022                                                                               October 12, 2022


Dear Sirs/ Madam,

Sub.: DPIIT’s Suggestion Box – Request for sharing inputs – reg.

Greetings from Confederation of Indian Textile Industry!

This is to inform you that DPIIT is inviting suggestions from businesses and citizens to enhance Ease of Doing Business and Ease of Living focusing on the domain of starting and running a business. Inputs are also invited on minor violations under which Provisions/Sections of the Acts/Rules need to be decriminalized. Following are the broad areas for which suggestions may be submitted to improve Ease of Doing Business and Ease of Living:

  • Getting Certificates, Licenses, Permissions, Approvals
  • Renewal of Certificates, Licenses, Approvals
  • Decriminalization of minor offences
  • Filings/Returns
  • Inspections/Audits
  • Online systems/process
  • Maintaining Registers & Records
  • Applying for Incentives
  • Payment of Incentives
  • Procedural/Guidelines related
  • Payment mechanism
  • Others

Members are requested to share their views and suggestions using the appended link by 15th October 2022:

Looking forward to receiving your inputs and suggestions on the above.


Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


Chandrima Chatterjee

Secretary General
