Cir(106)/2023                                               September 11, 2023



Dear Sirs/Madam,

India has signed 13 FTAs in the last five years with its trading partners, including the India-Mauritius Comprehensive Economic Corporation and Partnership Agreement (CECPA), India-UAE Comprehensive Partnership Agreement (CEPA – in effect from May 2022), and India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (IndAus ECTA – in effect from December 29, 2022).

Understanding the urgent need for information resources on FTA, CITI has planned a webinar Utilizing Free Trade Agreements to Grow Export Opportunities” in association with Lakshmikumaran and Sridharan, who are knowledge partners in this webinar. This webinar is just in time as it will have a reference to the ongoing Free Trade Agreements with strategic partners like the EU, UK, and Canada.


Utilizing Free Trade Agreements to Grow Export Opportunities


The webinar will cover the following areas:

  1. What FTAs are and how they work,
  2. Background of India’s FTAs
  3. WTO commitments
  4. Tariff classification
  5. Tariff mapping
  6. Rules of origin
  7. Non-tariff barriers
  8. Opportunities and challenges in utilizing FTAs

Join this forthcoming CITI webinar,


Act now! and register your participation:

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Chandrima Chatterjee 

(Secretary General)
