Cir(141)/2022                                                                            October 21, 2022




Dear Sirs/Madam,


Sub: Minutes of 31st Meeting of Technical Advisory-cum-Monitoring Committee (TAMC) for discussing issues of ATUFS held on 14.09.2022 through VC – reg.

The Office of the Textile Commissioner held the 31st Meeting of Technical Advisory-cum-Monitoring Committee (TAMC) for discussing issues of ATUFS under the Chairpersonship of the Textile Commissioner, on 14.09.2022 through VC.

The Committee discussed and reviewed the following important agenda points including others:

Agenda No.2: Review of Progress of TUFS


  1. Progress of utilisation of allotted fund for the financial year 2022-23 (In Rs. Crores)


Sr.  No. Scheme Allocation Expenditure
1 A-TUFS 650 133.06
2 M-TUFS 0.00
3 R-TUFS 0.21
4 RR-TUFS (bank routed) 36.39
5 RR-TUFS 1.32
  TOTAL* 170.98

* as on 09.09.2022

  1. Segment-wise details of UIDS issued under ATUFS as on 09.09.2022 (In Rs. Crores)

Sr.  No. Segment Name UID Issued Project Cost Provisional Subsidy
1 Garmenting (15% CIS) 1469 3327.47 340.47
2 Handloom (10% CIS) 60 56.30 04.57
3 Jute (10% CIS) 13 16.52 01.31
4 Multi Activity (10% -15%CIS) 2293 31693.05 2039.02
5 Processing (10% CIS) 1622 6602.54 445.28
6 Silk (10% CIS) 30 41.44 02.71
7 Technical Textiles (15% CIS) 534 4243.68 396.42
8 Weaving (10% CIS) 8369 23180.87 1733.37
  Total 14390* 69161.87 4963.15

* Two UIDS have been cancelled on request of entity

Agenda No.3: Decoding the Year and Month of manufacture based on the format of serial number for the machines supplied by M/s. Lovia Korea.


Decision: The Committee ratified the recommendations of the Expert Committee for decoding process as defined in case of M/s. Lovia Korea. However on request of AEPC to consider the Expert Committee decision on provision of some documents, the Committee decided that the Expert Committee may review the decoding procedure as defined in case of the machine ST-12 Button feeder attachment.


Agenda No.4: Ratification of machinery manufacturer/ authorised agents enlistment

Decision: The Committee ratified the recommendations of the ITC for recording name change of M/s. Ningbo Supreme Electronic Machinery company upto 18/01/2021 and M/s. Supreme Intelligent Technology Co. Ltd. China from 19/01/2021 onwards as per the date of invoice.

For more details, the members are requested to go through the minutes of the 31st TAMC meeting, a copy of which is attached for your kind perusal and reference.

This is for your information.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Chandrima Chatterjee

Secretary General
