Cir(014)/2023                                                                                       February 08, 2023




Sub.: Minutes of 8th Meeting of IMSC under ATUFS to held on 22.12.2022 – reg.


Dear Sirs/Madam,


This to inform you that in the 8th meeting of Inter-Ministerial Steering Committee (IMSC) for Amended Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (ATUFS) held under the Co-Chairmanship of Hon’ble Minister of State for Textiles, Smt. Darshna Vikram Jardosh, on 22nd December 2022 at 3:30 pm in hybrid mode, IMSC took the following important decisions, amongst others:


Agenda No.3: Review of Progress of TUFS – IMSC noted the progress of settlement of claims and industry appreciated the pace of settlement and efforts taken by MoT and Office of Textile Commissioner. IMSC also noted the proposal to clear 600 cases from HQ and Ahmedabad together within next two months.


Agenda No.5: One time correction under RRTUFS for information to IMSC – IMSC noted corrections in UIDs under RRTUFS approved by the Textile Commissioner.


Agenda No.6: Issues of previous version of TUFS:


Sub Agenda No.1: Issues of Segment Change – UID taken in one segment and machine installed in another segment;


Sub Agenda No.2: Registration of Technical Textile Unit under RRTUFS for availing 10% capital subsidy in addition 5% IR; and


Sub Agenda No.3: Request for Postponement/ cancellation of scheduled joint inspection


In the case of Sub Agenda No.1 & 2, IMSC advised that instead of addressing individual cases, all cases of similar nature may be examined and put up to IMSC for a policy decision, however, with regard to Sub Agenda No.3, IMSC directed that three (3) reminders on weekly basis relating to non-receipt of willingness of the units for verification of assets by the Joint Inspection Team (JIT), may be issued.


For further details, the minutes of the meting may be referred to which are attached herewith for your kind perusal.


This is for your information.


Thanking you,


Yours faithfully,



(Chandrima Chatterjee)

Secretary General
