Cir(079)/2023                                                        June 19, 2023


Dear Sirs/Madam,


Sub.: Review of India’s existing FTAs with Japan, Korea, UAE and re-launch of India Sri Lanka ETCA- Rules of Origin issues – reg.


This is to inform you that India is considering review of the India-Japan, India-Korea, and India-UAE CEPA and re-launch of India-Sri Lanka ETCA. The Department of Commerce is seeking inputs/proposals related to the Rules of Origin (including the Product Specific Rules) in those FTAs.

A summary of the ROO related concerns of these FTA partners as well as India’s concerns is being provided in the attached document. You are kindly requested to go through the same and provide your valuable comments on the below by 25th June 2023 so that the same can be compiled and shared with the Ministry:

  • The changes, if any, suggested in the PSR proposals of  India for 274 lines and the revised Proposals from Korea for  349 lines for review of IK CEPA.
  • Your comment on the Japanese request as well as India’s request  as contained in the attached sheet related to the IJCEPA.
  • Any proposal related to ROO w.r.t. India- UAE CEPA.
  • Any suggestion w.r.t.  re- launch of India Sri Lanka  ETCA.

Placed for your information and further necessary action.

Download India-Korea PSR proposals 16.03.23.xlsx

Download IJCEPA PSRS.xlsx

Download Review of FTAs –Japan korea UAE Sri Lanka.docx

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


Chandrima Chatterjee

Secretary General
