Sub.: Request to share inputs on the Kapas Contract Specification – reg.


Dear Sirs/Madam, 


Greetings from CITI!

This is to inform the industry that the last meeting of the reconstituted Product Advisory Committee (PAC) was held on 9th April 2024. The meeting was attended by the various stakeholders of the cotton value chain including the MCX.

PAC in the past was able to modify several of the Cotton Contract specifications and Quality Standards of MCX Cotton Future Contract which were reported to be affecting the cotton value chain. The modified contract was relaunched at MCX on 31st January 2023. During the present meeting, apart from discussing the various underlying issues of the cotton value chain, discussions were also held on the MCX “Contract Specifications of Kapas”, towards making it more industry friendly as also increasing industry participation for the same.

The existing Specification of MCX Kapas Contract is attached for the ready reference. Additionally, the historical prices, open interest, and other relevant information can be found at

It is requested to kindly go through the attached contract specifications as also other details given on the above link and share your concerns (if any) and suggestions on the matter cited above by 20th May 2024, so that the same can be discussed in the upcoming PAC meeting.

Placed for your necessary action.

Thanking you,

With Best regards,


Chandrima Chatterjee

Secretary General
