Extension of 1 year in the date of implementation of Cotton Bales QCO 2023 – reg.


Dear Sirs/Madam,

This has reference to the Ministry of Textiles order S.O. 948(E). dated 28th February 2023 vide which Cotton Bales (Quality Control) Order, 2023 was notified to be implemented from 27th August 2023 thereby mandating the suppliers of cotton bales to obtain a BIS certificate. However, considering the various challenges reported by the industry, the implementation was extended up to 27th August 2024 vide Ministry of Textiles order no. S.O. 3830(E). dated 28th August 2023.

Since the announcement of the Cotton Bales (Quality Control) Order, 2023, industry have been reporting various implementation challenges, due to which CITI and various other associations have been requesting the Government to defer the implementation of Cotton Bales QCO.

Considering the request favourably, Ministry of Textiles vide S.O.3469(E) dated 13th  August 2024  has now further extended the implementation of Cotton Bales (Quality Control) Order, 2023 by 1 more year, and the same will now will come into force from the day of 27th August 2025.

The detailed notification is attached for the ready reference of members.

Members may kindly take note of the above extension.

Thanking you,

With Regards,

(Chandrima Chatterjee)

Secretary General
